Times of Transitions

After 6 years of serving at Mountain Christian Church, Katie and I will end our ministries at the end of the month in order to focus on our move to Kenya. Mountain is an amazing church that we will miss, but when God calls… Gerbers Go!


Team GerbersGo has committed 77% of our monthly support & given 84% of our startup costs! The deadline for reaching our goal is fast approaching! This needs to be a BIG WEEK for ‪#‎TeamGerbersGo‬!

GerbersGo to OHIO

Ohio Gerbers

We’re coming home to OHIO!  We wanted a chance to visit with more of Team Gerbers Go and share our story April 15-17th.  You’re invited to join us for an hour to hear the whole story of how God has called us to Kenya, the amazing ministry in Nairobi, and how we go about getting there.

Friday 7pm – Greenville, OH at Ted and Sue Ann Shuttleworths (request address)
Saturday 3pm or 7pm – Columbus, OH at Beechwold Christian Church
Sunday 11am – Columbus, OH at Beechwold Christian Church (during an adult class)

This is NOT a fundraiser, so come join Team Gerbers Go and hear the whole story!

Join us at The EPICENTER!

Want to be on ‪#‎TeamGerbersGo‬, but haven’t been to a presentation? Please join us at a new location!  The EPICENTER!

Some of our Maryland friends couldn’t make it last week so we’re inviting you to hear our story this Monday-Wednesday (21-23rd) at The EPICENTER in Edgewood, MD. This is NOT a fundraiser, so pick a night and join us from 7-8pm to hear the whole story!

Facebook Event Signup: Monday | Tuesday Wednesday


Colorado Week 4 Update

We’re home! BIG Support Update!

We can’t believe that a month is over so quickly. We spent our last week in Colorado learning how to handle grief and loss and how to say goodbyes well. We’re not looking forward to those “goodbye” times, but we feel a little better prepared for them. It was bittersweet leaving the training center too because we formed such strong bonds with the other missionaries at MTI who understand exactly what we are going through. We are excited to see family and friends of course, but it also meant that it is back to reality (work, school, support raising, no more house keeping services, no more chefs preparing our meals) and less time preparing for Kenya. 


Thanks to the generous BOLD Christmas offering by Mountain Christian Church and several of you giving generously, we are now over 54% of our monthly support and 71% of our sending support needed to minister in Kenya! We still have quite a bit to raise and now that we have finished all of our missionary training we are ready to head out and begin this adventure that God has called our family.

If you were considering supporting us NOW is the time, join #‎TeamGerbersGo and click on the “Give Monthly” or “Give One Time” for start giving or please just contact us and we’d love to talk about it with you!

Colorado Week 3 Update

I can’t believe that we are beginning our last week of training! If someone had told me all that I (Katie) would learn, discover, feel, this past month I wouldn’t have believed them. This place has become home, our one room has become a sanctuary and the 7 outfits that we brought have been more than enough. It is amazing how much you don’t really need and I pray that I remember this as we head home this Saturday.

This week was a big shift. From exhausting language learning drills to a different kind of exhaustion.  These last two weeks are more about learning about yourself and your tendencies to a very deep level so that when we’re going through the crucible of serving in a foreign country we’re prepared for how we handle stress and others who probably act, think, and express their feelings very differently.

Week 3 was a lot about conflict and how we handle stress. MTI even created a very stressful simulation for us to see ourselves through what we had just learned. That was capped off Friday with a surprise solo Sabbath time. I (Pat) had my bucket filled by climbing a mountain 10 minutes from MTI.  The trail started with a lot of icy switchbacks that don’t get hit by the sun, but once you get the plateau on top your footing is sure and you can enjoy the breathtaking view God has made.  I was asking for God to speak to me and I heard that “Kenya is worth it!” That was great to hear because this time of preparation can often feel like the slippery switchbacks on the dark side of the mountain!


Please continue praying about joining our team and supporting us monthly. I know a lot of you have mentioned wanting to support us, now is the time. We are completing our last few items off our CMF check-list and then once all the support is in we will be on our way to serve in Nairobi, Kenya. This has been the most humbling experience. The Lord has called, but we need the church body to get us there. When we get back on Saturday we would love to share our story with anyone who will listen. Let us know and we would love to meet with you.