What a great weekend! Friday was our last day of language school! First Katie lead everyone in worship and Patrick taught a devo, all in Swahili! After that we had our final exam, a brutal oral exam. A friend from school got us a cake to celebrate.
Then we got to host our first visitors from Home! Randy, Tony, and Anthony were here visiting Anthony’s ministry in Kenya and we were delighted to host them at our house at the end of their trip. We had the awesome privilege of taking them to the Mathare slum to hear about the ministry we now work with and to take a quick walk into the slums. It was great to show off our city and host them and talk at our house. They even treated us to the world famous Carnivore restaurant with Anthony’s Kenyan family! It was Hannah’s first time there and we all enjoyed beef, leg of lamb, chicken wings, ostrich, crocodile, pork ribs, sausage, and turkey.
Sunday we went to church in Mathare before the boys headed home. We had so much fun with them! We know God will use this trip to do some cool stuff in them and through them.
Today was our first day fighting traffic going into the office in Mathare all day. We are spending the next two weeks getting to know the different ministries and their staff and starting to help out some. It feels great to finally be getting to work!