Tag: Saturday Morning LIVE
Saturday Morning LIVE 001
This weekend we tried something new to be able to interact with more you. Skyping or FaceTiming is the best way we have to interact with faming and friends back in America. We get to do that with family whenever we want and we LOVE it! Facebook LIVE gives us the opportunity to do much of that, but with a wider audience. It’s a candid, un-produced and un-scripted conversation at our dining room table. It also gives you the chance to ask us a question about something you’ve wondered that maybe we wouldn’t think to share. That’s great because things here are normalizing for us and we forget to share.
So here is a recording of our first Facebook LIVE session we are calling Saturday Morning LIVE. Because of the time difference, we have to interact during your morning or early afternoon. Most of you are working or going to church during those times. So Saturday morning at 9am seems like the best time. This LIVE session went an hour and 15 minutes.